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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate November 23 to December 1st Work effectively

You achieve a great deal, not only because your plans are well thought-out and have been well organized, but also because you have staying power to succeed in the long term. You’re able to use your talent and base of knowledge, and it's exactly this combination which makes everything seem so easy. Use your talent for communication to win allies.

Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 Common sense

Even when the facts of the matter are clear, and the situation seems obvious, you must use your common sense before coming to a final decision. It could well be that loved ones are involved or that there's more to life than material things. You see things as they really are, in their correct context and have the understanding to discern the precise path to take.

Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 Testing time

Be prepared to face new challenges, particularly at work, where initially you're unlikely to make a great deal of progress. Don't be daunted by this, such phases come and go. In your personal life, too you lack any fresh stimulus. You feel as if relations with those close to you are stale. Break free from existing routines and organize something unusual.